The headline sounds too good to be true, but it isn’t. It’s the result of a corporate action on an unpopular stock. 

Corporate actions are often boring and don’t bring profit opportunities. Sometimes they result in special situations that bring almost guaranteed profits. These are mostly taken up by fast fingered traders at the coal face. They react in milliseconds to SENS announcements when a quick profit opportunity arises. 

But there is almost always a catch. A condition that entitles you to make this profit. 

 You can only buy 999 shares or less, this is why the price hasn’t shot up to narrow the profit opportunity. And you must buy before 5 March, but soon more investors will be doing the same thing so you should buy today. 

 The share you must buy today… 

Caxton (JSE:CAT) so 999 shares isn’t a big position but will still give you R1,518.48 gain before costs. This opportunity is to reduce the number of minority shareholders on the share register but a big seller that isn’t eligible for this offer is still offloading shares at R7.50. 

 Buy Caxton at R7.50 for a small but quick profit in three weeks. 

The week ahead: 

Other Economic data releases of interest… 

Long Term Ideas 

The Tax Year closes soon, investors looking to lower their tax liability through retirement savings should act fast. Contact us for the various options we provide.